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Eliza Dushku takes on her homeland of Albania.
Watch Dear Albania (2015) Full Movie Download
Original Title : Dear Albania
Release : 2015-10-01
Rating : 6 by 2 users
Runtime : 57 min.
Studio :
Country : Albania
Language : English
Genre : Documentary
Stars : Eliza Dushku, Nate Dushku
Keywords : albania, family history
Tagline :
Watch free movie online dear albania 2015 on streamm4u dear albania 2015 in the past few years, american actress eliza dushku, who is of mixed danish and albanian ancestry, has become passionately interested in and connected to the country of her fathers ancestors in dear albania, eliza and her brother nate travel to albania where they explore 15 unique cities throughout the country they discover albanias present, its past and hear about its Dear albania want to watch this again later sign in to add this video to a playlist sign in share more report need to report the video sign in to report inappropriate content sign in transcript add Dear albania 2015 imdb directed by nate dushku with eliza dushku, nate dushku, fadil berisha, blerim destani eliza dushku takes on her homeland of albania
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